At a time when leaders are increasingly trying to drive innovation and engagement, our work-life can lure us into excessive busyness, stress, unhealthy competitiveness and narrow rather than broad perspectives.
We end up in transactional relationships where the possibilities for dialogue with our colleagues are stifled. Without dialogue, we extinguish ideas, we cover up wrongdoing, the quality of our decision-making deteriorates and our engagement plummets.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
It is possible to alter the nature of our conversations to be more collaborative, fulfilling and creative. It is not easy! It may involve changing habits which we have developed over many years and which the organisational systems we find ourselves part of will continue to tempt us back into. But it can be done. This is the territory of my practice and research.
This website seeks to introduce you to my work – I hope you find it thought-provoking. If it speaks to your interests and needs, please do get in touch – I would love to hear from you.

Speak Up
Enabling people to speak up is now an imperative to reduce the risk of wrong-doing as well as access vital knowledge and ideas from employees.
Mind Time
Leaders who are more mindful have the capacity to pay attention, on purpose, in the present moment. That is to say, they have enhanced meta-awareness.
Dialogue & Leadership
Dialogue is more than just having a conversation. Genuine dialogue describes a way of interacting that is mutual, relational, attentive and meaningful.
How to speak out with confidence on issues that matter and help others be heard.
Speak Out, Listen Up helps you to navigate power differences and ensure your voice gets heard. But it’s no good speaking up if you can’t then listen in return, so, using our TRUTH framework, we also help you to understand how your power enables others to speak up and how it might silence them. • Trusting in your opinion and the opinion of others • Risk of speaking out or silencing those who would • Understanding workplace power, politics and psychological safety • Titles that we use to judge whether to speak and who to listen to • How to choose the right words, place and time for speaking out and listening up This second edition of the bestselling ‘Speak Up’ adds a brand-new chapter on employee activism and new material on speaking up in the age of AI.